The Friends of the Richardson Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity and a proud member of United for Libraries (Formerly; ALTAFF - Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations). United for Libraries is a division of the American Library Association.
The Friends were organized in 1986 and, for 20 years, focused most of its efforts on presenting the In Person author series. When the series was discontinued, a strategic planning meeting was held and a new mission statement was drafted: to support the Library and to enrich the cultural opportunities available to library users.
Today the Friends are involved in many and various activities. Unwrapping the Classics was initiated in September 2009. The purpose of the series is to present speakers who will talk about classic literature and will shed insights into the writing of the literature or its authors.
A popular program is the Semi-Annual Book Sale each April and October, where patrons have the opportunity to buy books of all types at a reasonable cost.
The Friends participate in the literary life of the city in many other ways. They purchase book bags for the BookBabble Discussion Group and annually support Richardson Reads One Book.
The Friends also support library staff. In March there is a staff appreciation luncheon given and in December, a Christmas dessert party.
We have established a scholarship program to be awarded in the spring to a student who volunteers at the library.
In addition, FOL supports the community with sponsorship of the Library house at Santa's Village and providing volunteers at Trash Bash and at the Wildflower Festival.
The Friends group is always busy promoting the library and reading.