Favorite Little Free Library Contest Winner
Our First Little Free Library Winner Is…
Hugo’s Little Free Library!
In celebration of the National Little Free Library’s birthday, Friends of the Richardson Public Library sponsored our very first contest to show off the many Little Free Libraries throughout Richardson.
Elaine and Ted Kollaja built their Little Free Library in 2017 in front of their home at 108 West Shore Drive. In fact, they designed their library to match their house. Their library includes a built-in bench and additional seating in a shady spot, sidewalk chalk for the aspiring artists who happen to drop by, along with a wide array of books for all ages. This Little Free Library is named after Hugo, the literary pup seen with Elaine Kollaja.
Their Little Free Library was nominated by Elizabeth Simpson, who states this is a popular stop for neighbors and is a frequent stop for people of all ages.
Thanks to everyone who nominated Little Free Libraries in Richardson.
Friends of the Richardson Public Library sponsors a large number of Little Free Libraries throughout the Richardson area. Residences, organizations and businesses are invited to participate.

The Friends of the Richardson Public Library are making available do-it-yourself kits to build these mini-libraries and post them in front of your home or somewhere in your neighborhood or homeowners association.
You have perhaps heard of the “Little Free Libraries”. These are small boxes often mounted on poles or stands in neighborhoods that hold a small collection of books that are available on a free “take a book, return a book” basis. These “Libraries” are often installed by neighborhood associations in a member’s front yard, or in the common areas of a homeowners association.
A Little Free Library becomes a magnet for those in the neighborhood out for a walk, who might want to stop by and see what books are available. And the books never run out, because these same neighbors are encouraged to leave books when they are finished with them, or to add even more books that they think their neighbors may enjoy.
Although there is nothing stopping a neighborhood association or homeowners association from building their own Library, many choose to acquire their Libraries from the Wisconsin-based LITTLE FREE LIBRARY.org, and register their Libraries in order to share information and place their Libraries “on the map”.
The Friends of the Richardson Public Library have established a program to assist neighborhood associations, homeowners associations, and similar groups in acquiring their first Little Free Library. While we believe that it is important as a community building tool that these organizations assemble, install, and maintain these Libraries, this program by the Friends of the Richardson Public Library will provide a Library kit from the national LFL organization at no cost to the group installing the Library.
What the Friends of the Richardson Public Library provide:
For successful applicants to our program, the Friends of the Richardson Public Library offer at no cost the following:
- One Little Free Library Amish Shed kit for constructing a Library delivered to your address
- Instructions
- An initial set of books to populate the Library (our choice)
What your organization provides:
- Assembly of the kit (you will need outdoor glue, a wood clamp, and screwdrivers)
- Installation of the kit at an appropriate location in your neighborhood or similar location (for yards, you will need a pole and mounting hardware)
- Maintenance of the Library on an ongoing basis
- Care for the books in the Library
- Application